"I am interested in human consciousness and transcendence within it. In my artistic practice I mainly work with analogue images - both still and moving. I am particularly interested in experimental image making in the lab and using those images to express concepts I create and live throughout my own life."



Moccasin Flowers is a film made in collaboration and dedication to a musician and hermit Orla Wren (UK)
The film talks about letting go the loved one and reaching out for re-connection with inner-self which has been lost during the deprivation.
Shot on Super8 black and white Tri-X film as well as expired Svema, hand-processed during year 2015 and 2016.

"Moccasin Flowers was released as an album in 2015 as dedication to the musician's mother, who passed away to different heavens...
Many thanks to all those taking part. Especially charming Марина Гофеншефер.”
Ieva Balode.
